Rouel Agustin, Cybrary’s Director of Revenue Operations, was looking for simplicity and cost savings. He had been using LeanData for several years and their configuration had become bloated with hundreds of assignment and decision nodes. Rouel needed a solution that would increase functionality as they scaled without wrecking the budget.

Cybrary is a leading online education platform for cybersecurity education, with over 2 million users worldwide. As the company grew, the team grew. And as the team grew, their costs increased. Their needs were growing increasingly complex, but implementing them took longer and longer.

When Rouel met the Sweep team he had three questions:

1. Could Sweep match the functionality he used in LeanData?

2. Could Sweep help simplify his routing configuration?

3. Could Sweep save him money?

The answer was “Yes!” on all three fronts.

"Sweep really met all of my needs, and made the process of migrating from LeanData to Sweep lightning quick and painless," said Rouel. "Sweep's UI made it very clear to me what assignments were going where, and which criteria were extraneous or duplicative. Now iterating and making changes is way easier than before"

Lead Routing

Within one week, Rouel's lead to account matching and routing needs were live on Sweep, 300% faster than a typical matching and assignment implementation, per Sweep Labs.

300% faster matching and assignment implementation

Switching to Sweep also helped Rouel cut his overall costs as well. "When they told me that I would get lead to account matching and routing, in addition to documentation, a slack integration and configuration, I didn't believe them at first," said Rouel.

Implementation was smooth, but the outcome was even better for Cybrary. Their speed to lead improved, leading to better connection rates and outcomes. Prior to Sweep, Cybrary would have a “holding period” before they could consider a new lead ready to be contacted, as their matching queried over 1,000,000 accounts in their database. Only after the match occurred, were they able to route and contact their leads. Their holding period was 19.4 minutes on average. After implementing Sweep the average holding period is 33 seconds.

Holding period stats

Sweep enabled the Cybrary team to increase performance of their go-to-market teams and operations teams for a fraction of the price. If you’re interested in seeing how Sweep can help optimize your team, book a demo today.

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